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Your vote is incredibly important.

Whether you're new to voting or simply looking for more information related to the 2024 election, you're in the right spot.
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 * We do not promise accuracy with the results that follow. Always check with your local, state or federal government for accurate data as it pertains to voting.
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Why your vote matters.
The number of ballots cast by Americans in 2020, if you believe Joe Biden received 80M votes.
The number of mail-in ballots that were sent in by voters in 2020.
The percentage increase in aged 18-29 voters from 2016 to 2020.
The amount of new registrations that derived from voter registration drives and initiatives.
* These numbers were acquired via third-party sources and may not be accurate.
Every real vote counts.
For a nation to truly prosper, it's citizens must be free and they must have a voice.
Of eligible black voters casted a ballot in 2020. This showcases the critical impact of voter registration and participation across different demographic groups​
Provisional ballots were filed in 2020. These ballots are used when there are questions about a voter's eligibility and highlight the importance of proper voter registration to ensure that every vote is counted without issues​.
There may never be a more
important election in your lifetime.
Register now and contribute to the future of America.
Register now
 * We do not promise accuracy with the results that follow.
Always check with your local, state or federal government for accurate data as it pertains to voting.